Analisa Pengaruh Metode Pencucian Nozzle Sludge Centrifuge terhadap Kehilangan Minyak pada Final Effluent


  • Windy Abdiansyah Program Studi Teknik Pertanian Fakutas Teknologi Pertanian INSTIPER Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • Nuraeni Dwi Dharmawati Program Studi Teknik Pertanian Fakutas Teknologi Pertanian INSTIPER Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • Rengga Arnalis Renjani Program Studi Teknik Pertanian Fakutas Teknologi Pertanian INSTIPER Yogyakarta, Indonesia



Nozzle, sludge, centrifuge, aerial photography, losses, final, effluent


The clarification process is the separation of oil from the sludge using a sludge centrifuge. The process in this sludge centrifuge treats sludge/sludge output from CST in the form of sludge underflow. The problem that occurs in the oil separation process in the centrifuge is the high amount of oil that is still included in the final effluent as oil losses. High oil loss is caused by a blockage in the nozzle due to the operational process of the tool that does not pay attention to procedures (SOP) and the lack of operators in the sludge centrifuge related to the maintenance process (washing). The purpose of this study, namely to identify the factors that influence the causes of oil loss in the slugde centrifuge and final effluent, examine the effect of nozzle washing (flushing) on ​​oil loss in the sludge centrifuge and liquid waste production (final effluent), and determine the most optimum flushing method in terms of oil loss and liquid waste production. This research went through four stages, namely problem identification, cause analysis, effort solution, and optimum flushing method. The results of this study indicate that the standby nozzle replacement method is the optimum method because it does not require water, only takes 15 minutes, and has the lowest loss rate of 0.53%. It is hoped that with such results, companies engaged in palm oil processing can apply this method.


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How to Cite

Abdiansyah, W., Dharmawati, N. D., & Renjani, R. A. (2023). Analisa Pengaruh Metode Pencucian Nozzle Sludge Centrifuge terhadap Kehilangan Minyak pada Final Effluent. AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING INNOVATION JOURNAL, 1(2), 94–112.




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