Budidaya Ulat Sutera Daun Singkong Hasil Agroforestry Sederhana di Widodomartani Ngemplak Sleman Yogyakarta Indonesia
https://doi.org/10.55180/jwt.v13i2.967Kata Kunci:
Silkmoth Leaves Cassava, Agroforestry, WidodomartaniAbstrak
Another Components simple agroforestry at Widodomartani ngemplak sleman yogyakarta indonesia is Cassava. Cassava for food can increase value economic with feed silkmoth samia ricini. The background that thus will sericulture Samia ricini. The aims research were to determine time and product sericulture samia ricini. The method research with sericulture samia ricini. The leaves cassava for feed samia ricini. The data collection on the time for feed, percentage life larvae until coccon, time results coccon, brieght coccon producted. The material researchers, larva Samia ricini 11 th day from 1 gr egg Samia ricini, the leaves cassava edibled and cassava karet non edible, with before feed leaves ricinus comunis. Samia ricini culture used silkmoth rearing rack. Results of the research showed that ecdysis procces 15 th day, after ecdysis increases actifity feeding very high until 21th day. Start coccon 22th day until 26th day the end larva last feeding leaves. The life percentage 95,87 %, feed cassava edible 94,89 %, an ond feed cassava non edible 96,53 %. The coccon producted start 22th day until 26th day , with weight rate coccon cassava edible 2.10264 gr, cassava non edible 2.109893 gr.
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