Pengaruh Kelas Umur dan Metode Sadapan Terhadap Produksi Sadapan Getah Pinus


  • Hastanto Bowo Woesono Fakultas Kehutanan INSTIPER Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • Sushardi Fakultas Kehutanan Institut Pertanian Stiper, Indonesia
  • Muhammad Bagas Pamungkas Fakultas Kehutanan Institut Pertanian Stiper, Indonesia


Kata Kunci:

Key words : Age class, tapping method, pine resin production


Pine resin is a non-timber forest product, which has the potential to be developed in Indonesia. One of the pine resin products is gondorukem which has a very wide market. The purpose of this study was to determine the best tapping method, in order to obtain optimal production of pine resin tapping in three age classes of pine trees, namely age classes III, IV and V. The results showed that the average yield of pine resin tapping with the quare method was 18 ,88 gr and drill method 17,77 gr. Meanwhile, the highest average production of sap in age class III was 26.11 g and the lowest was in age class V of 10.21 g. The results also showed that along with the increase in the age class of the plant, the production of tapping sap also decreased significantly, both for tapping pine sap using the drill method, and tapping pine sap using the quare method. The results also showed that as the age class of the plant increased, the use of the quare method gave a higher average yield of 18.88 gr than the drill method of 17.77 gr.

Keywords : Age class; tapping method; pine resin production


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Cara Mengutip

Bowo Woesono, H., Sushardi, & Pamungkas, M. B. (2022). Pengaruh Kelas Umur dan Metode Sadapan Terhadap Produksi Sadapan Getah Pinus. Jurnal Wana Tropika, 12(1), 1–7.




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