BIOFOODTECH : Journal of Bioenergy and Food Technology 2024-08-13T09:26:37+07:00 Herawati Oktavianty,S.T.,M.T Open Journal Systems <p>Biofoodtech : Journal of Bioenergy and Food Technology merupakan sebuah jurnal ilmiah yang dipublikasikan oleh Program Studi Teknologi Hasil Pertanian INSTIPER Yogyakarta. Biofoodtech terbit berkala dua kali dalam setahun pada bulan Juni dan Desember. Sebagai wahana komunikasi insan akademik dalam bidang Ilmu Kimia Pangan, Food Technology, Rekayasa Pangan, Bioteknologi Pangan, Mikrobiologi Pangan, Teknologi Hasil Pertanian dan Perkebunan, Food Supply Chain, Ekonomi &amp; Manajemen Hasil Pertanian &amp; Perkebunan, Quality Management System, Pascapanen Hasil Pertanian &amp; Perkebunan, Pengelolaan Limbah Hasil Pertanian &amp; Perkebunan serta Energi Baru dan Terbarukan. Biofoodtech mengundang kepada para pakar dan akademisi agar menyumbangkan naskah, baik berupa hasil penelitian, kajian mendalam, sesuai dengan disiplin ilmu. Naskah yang diajukan adalah naskah Asli (tidak plagiat) dan belum pernah dipublikasikan.</p> FRONT MATTER BIOFOODTECH VOLUME 3 NOMOR 1 JUNI 2024 2024-08-13T09:26:37+07:00 Erista Adisetya <p>FRONT MATTER BIOFOODTECH VOLUME 3 NOMOR 1 JUNI 2024</p> 2024-08-13T00:00:00+07:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2024 BIOFOODTECH : Journal of Bioenergy and Food Technology Karakterisasi Bioetanol dari Limbah Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit 2024-07-02T10:11:56+07:00 Faturochman Gani Supriyanto Herawati Oktavianty <p><em>At the moment, Indonesia still relies heavily on fossil fuels to cover its domestic energy demands. However, one of the main causes of the rise in greenhouse gas emissions is the nation's reliance on fossil fuels for energy </em><em>damage to the environment. </em><em>An alternate energy source is called bioethanol. T</em><em>he fermentation process of natural ingredients with the help of microorganisms, </em><em>Bioethanol produced from biomass in this study </em><em>is palm empty fruit bunches (PEFB) because of the cellulose content of 45.59% which can be converted into second-generation bioethanol. Poses for making bioethanol of PEFB through the process of pretreatment, hydrolysis, fermentation, and distillation. The purpose of this study is to determine the characteristics of bioethanol produced by PEFB waste. Bioethanol characteristic testing refers to test standards determined by SNI 7390:2008/2013, This study produced ethanol content of 4.92% in 6-day fermentation that did not meet the specified standards, methanol content produced 0.4% in 10-day fermentation and had met the specified standards, water content in 4-10 days fermentation produced 25.56%-30.72% did not meet the specified standards, denaturant content in 10-day fermentation produced 9% had met the specified standards. The fermentation of 6 days produced the best condition, obtaining 4.92% ethanol content and 25% moisture content. Still, it did not meet the specific standards of SNI 7390:2008, but met the SNI standards for the methanol content of 0.4%, denaturant level of 11%, acidity of 0.3 mg /L, chloride ion levels of 0.7 mg /L, sulphur content of 0.68 mg /L, and the sap content of 7 mg / l.</em><em> </em></p> 2024-07-23T00:00:00+07:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2024 BIOFOODTECH : Journal of Bioenergy and Food Technology Kajian Pustaka Metode Optimasi Respons Surface Methods dan Thin Layer Equation pada Produk Pengeringan Rempah Rimpang (Jahe, Kunyit, Temulawak) 2024-07-02T10:16:53+07:00 Maria Krisna Evania Fransiska <p><em>Ginger, turmeric, and curcuma are rhizome spices that have the highest production value in Indonesia. Fresh products from rhizomes have high water content and are often damaged by microorganisms. For this reason, proper and efficient processing is needed so that the quality of the rhizome spices is maintained and under the standards set by the Indonesian National Standards. One of the appropriate processing methods for rhizome spices is the drying method. Drying is the oldest technique for food preservation and is an indispensable process in the food industry. The drying process aims to reduce water content and activity to safe limits that can extend shelf life, minimize packaging demands, and reduce weight during distribution. Various conventional and modern drying techniques have been applied to spices, namely solar drying, oven drying, and microwave drying. To obtain final drying results in good quality and high drying efficiency, it is necessary to optimize the drying method process conditions, including mathematical modelling using the RSM (Response Surface Method) method and the Thin Layer Drying Equation. From the optimum conditions for each drying method, a regression analysis was then carried out on several drying quality parameters for ginger, turmeric, and ginger. The higher the value of the regression coefficient (R<sup>2</sup>) and the closer it is to 1 in the mathematical modelling obtained, then this mathematical modelling is the best. </em></p> 2024-07-23T00:00:00+07:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2024 BIOFOODTECH : Journal of Bioenergy and Food Technology Formulasi Bubur Instan Ubi Jalar Kuning (Ipomea batatas L.) Kaya Serat dengan Kombinasi Biji Kecipir (Psophocarpus tetra gonolobus) sebagai Sumber Protein 2024-07-02T10:17:31+07:00 Jennifer Capriati Saragih Reza Widyasaputra Ida Bagus Banyuro Partha <p><em>Instant porridge is a product designed to provide convenience and ease of serving. This study aims to determine the characteristics of instant porridge of yellow sweet potato and kecipir seeds as well as the organoleptic most favored by panelists. The experimental design used was a Complete Block Design (RBL) with 2 factors. Factor P was the ratio of yellow sweet potato and kecipir seeds P1 (80%:20%), P2 (70%:30%), P3 (60%:40%)</em><em>Factor S is the difference in drying temperature, namely S1 (105<sup>0</sup>C), S2 (115<sup>0</sup>C), S3 (125<sup>0</sup>C). In the analysis of water content, the best sample in P3S3 is 3.57%, analysis of ash content of the best sample in P3S3 is 3.55%, analysis of fat content of the best sample in P3S3 is 8.50%, analysis of protein content of the best sample in P3S1 is 14.60%, analysis of carbohydrate content of the best sample is 73.62%, analysis of crude fiber content of the best sample in P1S3 is 4.58. In the rehydration power analysis, the best sample in P1S1 is 3.73 mL/g, the best rehydration time analysis in P1S3 is 9.89 seconds.</em><em> </em></p> 2024-07-24T00:00:00+07:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2024 BIOFOODTECH : Journal of Bioenergy and Food Technology Pemanfaatan Arang Aktif Berbahan Pelepah Kelapa Sawit sebagai Adsorben Pemurnian Biodiesel dari Minyak Curah 2024-07-02T10:04:21+07:00 Jeremia Yosafat Rios Mohammad Prasanto Bimantio Adi Ruswanto <p><em>The trans esterified biodiesel cannot be used immediately, because it still contains reaction residue and impurities. So it needs purification. One of them can use activated charcoal. The material used to make activated charcoal is palm fronds. Palm fronds contain lignocellulosic components, namely 25.08% cellulose, 24.06% hemicellulose and 18.46% lignin. This component can be applied as an adsorbent. The aim of the research was to determine the size of the activated charcoal and the length of time the adsorption of activated charcoal had an effect on biodiesel purification and to find out the best formulation from the ratio of the size of activated charcoal and the adsorption time to biodiesel purification. This study used a complete block design (RBL), with two factors, namely the ratio of activated charcoal size (A) and adsorption time (B) carried out 2 repetitions. For the average results of the analysis of this study, the acid number was 7.66 mg-KOH/gr, the saponification number was 251.75 mg KOH/gr, the density was 0.93 g/ml, the viscosity was 31.64 cst, the chromameter colour was 3.43, the impurities content was 4 .4% and GC-MS contained the most compounds, namely 9-Octadecenoic acid (Z)-, methyl ester with a surface area of 42.80% and a retention time of 27.292 minutes. The conclusion of the study is that the size comparison of activated charcoal and adsorption time made from palm fronds can adsorb impurities in biodiesel.</em></p> 2024-07-30T00:00:00+07:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2024 BIOFOODTECH : Journal of Bioenergy and Food Technology Cairan Pembersih Lantai Aroma Lavender dengan Varian Volume Crude Gliserol dan Volume Aquades 2024-07-02T10:06:17+07:00 Sandy Iskandar Juanda Maria Ulfah Mohammad Prasanto Bimantio <p><em>Floor cleaner liquid is made by formulating several ingredients, including arpus which is used as a disinfectant, texapon as a surfactant and hydroxy ethyl cellulose (HEC) as a thickener. Crude glycerol needs to be added to the floor cleaner formula to soften the texapon and increase the solubility of HEC. This research aimed to determine the effect of the amount of crude glycerol and distilled water on the chemical, physical and organoleptic properties of the floor cleaner fluid produced and to obtain the best floor cleaner. This research was designed using a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with two variable factors. The first factor is the volume of crude glycerol (A) which consists of 3 levels, including: A1 (50 mL), A2 (70 mL), A3 (100 mL). The second factor is the volume of distilled water (B) which consists of 3 levels, including: B1 (300 mL), B2 (400 mL), B3 (500 mL). The results of the research showed that the volume of crude glycerol had an effect on the pH of the floor cleaner, but had no effect on viscosity, density, preferred aroma, color and level of cleaning ability. The volume of distilled water has no effect on the pH, viscosity, density, preferred aroma, color and level of cleaning ability of the floor cleaner. Based on pH, the best floor cleaner was obtained in treatment A1B1 with an average favorability score of 4.17 (like), pH 7.16, viscosity 129.5 cP and density 1.02 g/cm<sup>3</sup>.</em><em> </em></p> 2024-08-01T00:00:00+07:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2024 BIOFOODTECH : Journal of Bioenergy and Food Technology Pengaruh Perbedaan Jenis Kulit Kopi dan Penambahan Daun Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) terhadap Karakteristik Cascara Celup 2024-08-07T09:14:21+07:00 Awido Butar-Butar Sunardi Reni Astuti Widyowanti <p><em>The objectives of this study are: (1) to determine the effect of coffee skin type with the addition of rosemary leaf powder on the characteristics of cascara dip; (2) to know the formulation of the type of coffee skin with the addition of rosemary leaf powder that produces the most preferred cascara dip for the panelists. The latest in this study is an innovation to eliminate the taste of cascara with rosemary leaf powder, as well as practical and contemporary presentation in the form of dip cascara. The research will use 2 factors. The first factor is type coffee skin (A) with 3 levels, namely A1= arabica coffee skin, A2= robusta coffee skin, and A3 = arabica and robusta coffee skin blend with a 1:1 ratio. The second factor is the addition of rosemary leaf powder by weight of cascara with 3 levels, namely B1= 2%, B2= 4%, and B3= 6%. The results of the study showed that: (1) The type of coffee skin with the addition of rosemary leaves had an effect on the tannin content, taste, and color of the cascara dip. But it has no effect on antioxidant levels, caffeine levels, total acidity, total color difference, and aroma. (2) Cascara dip made from arabica coffee bark with the addition of 2% rosemary leaves (A1B1) is a cascara that consumers prefer (somewhat like) has an antioxidant level of A1B1 37.397%, caffeine 0.97%, tannins 0.0080, total acid 0.109, total color difference 29.173, moisture content 5.57% and ash content 1.815%.</em></p> 2024-08-12T00:00:00+07:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2024 BIOFOODTECH : Journal of Bioenergy and Food Technology